I wan't to scrape a website, which requires me to login. I've decided to use Jsoup to do this. I'm having trouble "translating" this line of code to Clojure properly:
Connection.Response loginForm = Jsoup.connect("**url**")
Without specifying the class Connection.Response
in my Clojure code, the connection has the class jsoup.helper.HttpConnect
, which lacks methods I need to cookies from the session.
So far I've come up with the following Clojure code:
(import (org.jsoup Jsoup Connection
Connection$Response Connection$Method))
(def url "*URL*")
(def res (doto (org.jsoup.Jsoup/connect url)
(.data "username" "*USERNAME*")
(.data "password" "*PASSWORD")
(.method Connection$Method/POST)
(type res))
The problem is you are using doto
where you should use a ->
threading macro:
(let [url "*URL*"]
(-> url
(.data "username" "*USERNAME*")
(.data "password" "*PASSWORD*")
(.method "Connection$Method/POST)
form is usually used when you need to setup a Java object which provides setter-like methods returning void
and that prevent you from use threading.
(doto (SomeClass.)
(.setA 1)
(.setB 2)
Translates into:
(let [obj (SomeClass.)]
(.setA obj 1)
(.setB obj 2)
(.execute obj)
As you can see doto
doesn't return the result of the last method call but the object provided as its first argument (SomeClass
object in this case). So your current code returns the object created by Jsoup/connect
method (jsoup.helper.HttpConnect
as you notices) instead of the Connection.Response
result of execute()
method call.
What you need is:
(-> (SomeClass.)
(.withA 1)
(.withB 2)
where with*
are builder methods returning this
instead of void
The above threading form is equivalent to: