I am coding C language in Visual Studio C++.
In the first calling of this function there is no problem. It makes all of process but in the second calling VS give "Windows has triggered a breakpoint" error. However, I compile and run the code in Linux, there is no problem.
void printDataPagePersons(int pageNumber)
Person* pageofCity = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person)* RECORD_COUNT);
printf("page of city : %d\n",sizeof(*pageofCity));
FILE* fp;
fp=fopen("x.dat", "rb");
fseek(fp, PAGE_SIZE*pageNumber,SEEK_SET);
fread(pageofCity, PAGE_SIZE,1, fp);
Here you allocate a buffer:
Person* pageofCity = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person)* RECORD_COUNT);
This is the size of that buffer:
sizeof(Person)* RECORD_COUNT
You then read data from a file into that buffer at this line of code:
fread(pageofCity, PAGE_SIZE,1, fp);
There you are telling the fread function to read a PAGE_SIZE of bytes into that buffer.
I'm guessing the cause of your problems is this condition is also true:
PAGE_SIZE > sizeof(Person)* RECORD_COUNT