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Responsive batch processing in Java

I like the fact that threads can share some resources but they need to release their private resources in the end. Meantime, some computations may be obsolete and you kill them, using Task Manager. I am looking for the same thing done in one JVM process.

You say that thread.stop is unreliable and propose that my thread polls the interrupted flag instead. But, polling is not efficient, right? You do not want neither performance penalty nor polluting your code with ubiquitous if (interrupted) blocks. What is going to be the best appropriate option here?


  • Killing one process in an application that is composed of several interacting processes can be dangerous, but it is not usually as dangerous as killing a thread.

    The ways in which one process depends on the state of another often are more limited. If the processes only interact through network communication, it probably won't be hard to design an application that can gracefully recover from having one of its processes killed. Likewise, if the processes interact through a shared transactional database.

    It gets harder to handle a KILL safely if the processes interact through shared files. And it gets pretty close to impossible to guarantee the safety of an arbitrary KILL if the processes interact via shared memory.

    Threads always interact via shared memory. A KILL that can't be handled, could come at any time. There's just no way to guarantee that killing some thread won't leave the whole program in a corrupt state.

    That's why t.stop() is deprecated in Java. The real question should be, "why did they ever implement t.stop() in the first place?"