I have a problem. I haven't found info how google should see breadcrumbs of the product page. Tried a few fixes, but these didn't worked correctly. For example if I go to product www.domain.com/shoes-255 and use that in this tool https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/ . I see 2 breadcrumbs, one is HOME and another one is Product name.
Breadcrumbs path on the page is: HOME > MAN > SHOES > SPORT > Product name. This product have few parent categories.
So the question is: Should I see all breadcrumbs (HOME , MAN , SHOES , SPORT , Product name) from full path with all categories or everything is good as I see now (HOME , Prodcut name)?
It is good as it is now (Home > Product name). I suppose this product is linked on the homepage and you clicked it and went to the product detail page?! Therefore the breadcrumb is Home (from where you're coming) and Product name (product detail page, where you are).
All fine.