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Golang loop until key pressed

I'm using Go and I need to be able to run a loop until a certain key is pressed. Are there any libraries or is there any functionality that allows this to happen? I just need to detect if a key is down on each iteration of the loop. I've tried using azul3d, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for...

This is what I'm hoping for:

exit := false
for !exit {
    exit = watcher.Down(keyboard.Space)

or something similar


  • Use keyboard with its termbox backend, like this:

    package main
    import ""
    import "fmt"
    import term ""
    func main() {
        running := true
        err := term.Init()
        if err != nil {
        defer term.Close()
        kb := termbox.New()
        kb.Bind(func() {
            fmt.Println("pressed space!")
            running = false
        }, "space")
        for running {