I saw that very recently, Sencha Touch merged with ExtJS becoming ext-Js6 . It seems that there will be no longer update of senchaV2 ? Ad now that's better to use extJS6 than Sencha ?
I suppose that, all the features present in sencha V2 are still present in extJS6, so that I can migrate my projects without problems ? Is there still the comptability between ExtJS6 and indexedDB which was present in Sencha ?
Thank's for help !
ExtJS 6 indeed merges the original ExtJS with Sencha Touch. If you were using Sencha CMD in your touch project, then you should be able to upgrade it to Extjs using this guide. Please note, that ExtJS now has the so-called toolkits. The classic toolkit is basically the original ExtJS and the modern toolkit is the successor to Sencha Touch.