I am making an simple application on PC by C# to send command to jailbroken iphone (exp: open app, get list application installed on iphone..e.t.c..) but I do not know how to send to iphone, searching google but can not find a thing to do this. Anyone know how to send command to iphone please point me out or some documents to learn about this. Thank you.
in my opinion the best way to go is using SSH, here's the steps
and password: alpine
Remember to change that!, also i would recommend creating another user for your appDownload and install the SSH.NET library from NuGET here
Implement your appropriate methods to connect,disconnect and send commands, se those examples:
using (var client = new SshClient("phoneIp", "phoneUsername", "phonePassword")) {
//Open the Facebook app and show your profile
client.RunCommand("open fb://profile");
//Alternative method using `uiopen`
client.RunCommand("uiopen fb://profile");
//Read device network info (install network-cmds first)
//List all apps installed via Cydia
Console.WriteLine(client.RunCommand("dpkg –list"));
//List all apps that are installed from iTunes/Appstore
Console.WriteLine(client.RunCommand("cat /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installation.plist"));
I haven't tested this code of course, and I have no Jailbroken iOS device, but this should put you on the right path at least!