I have this HTML template on a page:
<div id="bid_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">
<div class="form_item_block" id="bid_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">
<div id="bid_delete_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]"><img src="/images/icons/cross.png"></div>
<div id="bid_label_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">Bid #1</div>
<div><input type="text" name="bid_summary" id="bid_summary_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]"></div>
<div><input name="bid_price" id="bid_price_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]"></div>
I'm trying to strip out the _[[template]] text, and also replace the [[bid_id]] with a number. I tried this:
var bid_template = document.getElementById('bid_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]').cloneNode(true)
var new_bid_id = 2
var new_oh = bid_template.outerHTML
new_oh = new_oh.replace(/_\[\[template\]\]/g, '')
new_oh = new_oh.replace(/\[\[bid_id\]\]/g, new_bid_id)
At this point if I console.log new_oh, it is exactly what I want - everything is replaced correctly. However the next lines...
var new_bid = document.createElement('div')
new_bid.outerHTML = new_oh
Nothing happens here when I try to set the outerHTML. It does work if I set the innerHTML, but I would prefer to set the outerHTML. I don't get any error messages, and I can't figure out why it's not setting the outerHTML.
I assuming the error has occurred : that 'outerHTML' property on 'Element', so element has no parent node.
if you want to create it with new div
, then :
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = output;
if not : then try this
var bid_template = document.getElementById('bid_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]').cloneNode(true);
var new_bid_id = 2;
var parent = document.querySelector('.parent');
var new_oh = bid_template.outerHTML;
var output = new_oh.replace(/_\[\[template\]\]/g, '');
output = output.replace(/\[\[bid_id\]\]/g, new_bid_id);
parent.innerHTML = output;
<div class="parent">
<div id="bid_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">
<div class="form_item_block" id="bid_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">
<div id="bid_delete_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">
<img src="/images/icons/cross.png">
<div id="bid_label_wrapper_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">Bid #1</div>
<input type="text" name="bid_summary" id="bid_summary_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">
<input name="bid_price" id="bid_price_[[bid_id]]_[[template]]">