I'm interested in developing an AR application that needs the Kinect sensor for tracking a human body. This application will use the skeleton tracking data to make live video processing on the human body. Because of this, I need a powerful, live and fast skeleton tracking SDK. Could you please provide me with the differences between these SDKs?
What I found from searching? I didn't find much information or direct answers about my question.I found that the OpenNI framework support skeleton tracking algorithm. But I don't know it's performance or if it will be useful with my application or not.
Here is some information that I found from searching:
I'm also interested in a general comparison between these SDKs.
Actually, I found a post that made a comparison between them. And it's written that the openkinect is less powerful in skeleton tracking. But this post was written in 2011.
Official Kinect SDK vs. Open-source alternatives
Could you please help?
You pretty much answered your own question:
I'd go with OpenNI. It is the one most widely supported with wrappers for other frameworks (e.g. OpenCV and PCL and many others) and is cross-platform.
But for skeleton tracking, you would need to get NiTE from some unofficial source, since the official source (PrimeSense) doesn't exist anymore (was bought by Apple and shut down).