I have the following code, which works when I use divs instead of list items. However I can't figure out how to randomly fade in the order of the list items. I am using plain Javascript and Greensock (TweenMax) in order to animate the items.
CODEPEN: http://codepen.io/dada78/pen/fd4f35272d48df628148f98c4a9e5459/
In my HTML I have:
<div id="spots">
<li class="square"></li>
<li class="square"></li>
<li class="circle"></li>
<li class="square"></li>
<li class="square"></li>
<li class="circle"></li>
In my Javascript: var spotsAll = document.querySelectorAll("#spots");
var tl = new TimelineMax();
.set(spotsAll, {autoAlpha:0})
function spotsIn()
var spotsArray = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
for(var i = 0; i < spotsArray.length; i++){
tl.to(spotsAll[i], 0.5, {autoAlpha:1, ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.8)}, Math.random());}
Thanks so much for any suggestions!
Your spotsAll's selector is incorrect. You're just selecting the outer div.
To fix it, just change the spotsAll selector to this:
var spotsAll = document.querySelectorAll("#spots li");