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Null Reference Exception for Table Value Parameter while executing the stored procedure in C#

I am trying to execute a stored procedure with table valued parameters. These parameters can be null, because of which my code is throwing null reference exception. Is there a way I can pass nullable table valued parameters. Please advise.

public IEnumerable<ReportFilter> GetReportFilter(ReportInputDefinition criteria, Guid tenantId)
        IEnumerable<ReportFilter> ReportFilterData;
        IEnumerable<DomainTableType> domainTableTypes=null;
        if (criteria.Domains != null && criteria.Domains.Any())
            domainTableTypes = criteria.Domains.Select(d => new DomainTableType(d));
        using (var connector = GetConnector(ConnectionNames.DefaultConnection))
            reportFilterData = connector.StoredProcedure("SpName")
                .TableValuedParameter("@TableValuedParameter1", domainTableTypes)
                .Parameter("@TenantID", tenantId)
        return reportFilterData;

In the above code, I am getting null reference exception for domainTableTypes because sometime it can have value and sometimes not. This question isn't duplicate as I have issue with table valued parameter. I am aware how to deal with regular parameters. That solution didn't work for me :(


  • As far as I can remember, you cannot pass NULL to a table type. You have to pass an empty table. I apologize in advance if this is database system specific, but maybe you are using the same DBMS.

    if (criteria.Domains != null && criteria.Domains.Any())
        domainTableTypes = criteria.Domains.Select(d => new DomainTableType(d));
        domainTableTypes = Enumerable.Empty<DomainTableType>();