I downloaded C++ libJSON from this link:
And they suggest me to use it as a library. How can I create library using the code they have provided?
you must have installed g++ and make in console/terminal just compile it type make
, it will produce libjson.a
which is static libary. When you create you C/C++ program you can link it with it g++ -l libjson.a
and in your code include libJSON.h header file.
#include "libJSON.h"
and you can use all functions from that header file.
On windows you must Install MinGW (GNU utilities for Windows), or IDE like DevC++ or Code::Blocks (Code::Blocks use MinGW). You can also use Cygwin unix like environment for windows (but when you compile file in cygwin you can run it only in Cygwin)
In Code::Blocks when you create project you can set additinal library which will be linked with your executable.