I am a newbie in Velocity. I need to change a certain date format to another.
Eg: Change "Wed May 11 12:49:18 JST 2016" to "2016/05/11 12:49:18"
I found there is a DateTool to be included in VelocityContext in order to use $date.format("myFormat", myDate), but it doesn't work. May be I'm missing something.
I found a similar question, but I think its not answered properly. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35156429/change-date-format-in-velocity
Thanks in advance!
I added the following code in VelocityContext subclass:
context.put("date", new DateTool());
and used this date object in my .vm file like this:
Order Date : $ctx.date.format('yyyy/MM/dd H:m:s', ${ctx.order.date})
I referred below link: