My sample java and C# code are able to popup tray Icon notification balloon with windows 7 and Windows 10.
but while using above sample codes with a legacy product, that uses session-isolation, user-context , impersonation etc etc, It is not working with Windows 10. I can see popup in Windows 7 and other OS but not windows 10.
What could be change in Windows 10 from Windows 7 tray Icon notification Balloon, that is preventing it from popping up?
This was something to do with context and session isolation in legacy code.
I have resolved it using native win32 api getEnvironmentStrings() to get the environment variable of the user process of my application.
Then I triggered a new .exe file by passing the environment variables
Default Environment Variable passed in Java's exec() was not enough to trigger .exe file and tp show trayIcon for application running in user-context.