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Debounce events with Elixir

I am getting a stream of events from MQ into my Elixir consumer.

In the consumer I need to:

  1. Aggregate events by their IDs and
  2. Send aggregated data for an ID downstream, if there is no new data for that ID for 3 minutes.

Data set is not big in my case. May be few hundreds of IDs and few thousands updates a day.

Is there any way I can solve this problem using GenServer magic?

Thank you!


  • I'd do it like this:

    Whenever a new event comes:

    • If it's the first event with that id, create a timer ref using Process.send_after/3 with a timeout of 3 minutes, and store the event and the timer in the state.

    • If it's not the first event with that id, cancel the stored timer ref with Process.cancel_timer/1, create a new timer as mentioned in the previous step, and store the new timer along with the new event concatenated with the old events.

    And in the handle_info triggered by the timer, push the events for that id downstream and remove that entry from the state.

    Here's a simple implementation of the above:

    defmodule DebouncedEcho do
      @timeout 1000
      use GenServer
      def start_link do
        GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, []
      def init(_) do
        {:ok, %{}}
      def handle_cast({:store, id, event}, state) do
        case state[id] do
          nil ->
            timer = Process.send_after(self, {:timer, id}, @timeout)
            state = Map.put(state, id, %{events: [event], timer: timer})
            {:noreply, state}
          %{events: events, timer: timer} ->
            timer = Process.send_after(self, {:timer, id}, @timeout)
            state = Map.put(state, id, %{events: [event | events], timer: timer})
            {:noreply, state}
      def handle_info({:timer, id}, state) do
        %{events: events} = state[id]
        IO.inspect {:flush, id, events}
        state = Map.delete(state, id)
        {:noreply, state}


    {:ok, server} = DebouncedEcho.start_link
    GenServer.cast server, {:store, 1, :foo}
    GenServer.cast server, {:store, 1, :bar}
    GenServer.cast server, {:store, 2, :foo}
    GenServer.cast server, {:store, 2, :bar}
    GenServer.cast server, {:store, 2, :baz}
    GenServer.cast server, {:store, 1, :baz}


    {:flush, 1, [:bar, :foo]}
    {:flush, 2, [:baz, :bar, :foo]}
    {:flush, 1, [:baz]}