I am new to Elixir, even new to functional programming. I know python and Java. I use them for my data-science project. Is it necessary to understand Erlang VM to learn Elixir? If yes then how I can understand Erlang VM ?
If there is a guideline to follow to learn Elixir, it will be very beneficial for people like me.
The most important thing to know about the Erlang VM is the process model, which is the same in Erlang and Elixir. There is a page about it in the documentation, and here is a blog post with some practical examples.
The process model also influences how garbage collection is done; this differs from how it works in other languages. This question goes into some detail, but the most important point is that processes do garbage collection independently, based on the memory usage of the process itself. If you want to understand how this works under the hood, nothing beats this blog post.