How do I get an object in the hierarchy is enabled through scrip?
void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D colisor)
if (colisor.gameObject.tag == "Floor") {
Destroy (gameObject, 0.6f);
} else {
if (colisor.gameObject.tag == "Bee") {
coinCollectSound.Play ();
heart = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Hearts").GetComponent<Hearts> () as Hearts;
if (heart.TakeHeart ()) {
Destroy (gameObject);
} else {
//Here i want setActive(true) Object parent in hierarchy called "GameOver"
//And setActive(false) Object in hierarchy Called "Game"
I do not want to call a different scene for the Game Over, but now I just want to enable it.
You should access the GameOver using GameObject.Find("GameOver"), but if it's disabled you won't be able to do that. Instead, create a public GameObject variable on a enabled script that references the object you wanna SetActive. Then, find the object by type and access it's variable, enabling it.