I'm trying to create a javascript counter that starts at 25 minutes and ends at 0. the idea is to show the minutes/seconds as a countdown clock on the page (my target div is called 'txt'). But I'm not getting my desired result - the timer does not subtract each time the function is run (every ms). Any ideas on where I'm going wrong? Code is below:
function countdown() {
var target = 1500000; // 25 mins
var current = 1000; // 0 secs
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
var diff = target-current; // calculates the 25 minutes
var min = Math.floor(diff/1000/60); //gets mins
var sec = (diff/1000) % 60; // gets secs
current = current+1000;
document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML = min + ":" + sec;
var t = setTimeout(countdown, 2500);}
here you go:
var target = 1500000; // 25 mins
var current = 0; // 0 secs
function countdown() {
current += 1000;
var diff = target-current; // calculates the 25 minutes
var min = Math.floor(diff/1000/60); //gets mins
var sec = (diff/1000) % 60; // gets secs
document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML = min + ":" + sec;
if (diff > 0)
setTimeout(countdown, 1000);
JSFiddle with running example: https://jsfiddle.net/epcmw0uc/5/