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Missing Jacoco Code Coverage and IncompatibleClassChangeError

I have a maven project with some Arquillian Tests (Drone/Graphene Tests included).

When I build my project using maven all my Arquillian Tests that use Graphene and Drone or Warp will fail with following exception

Running de.mmo.arq.model.diverses.stammdaten.geldinstitut.GeldinstitutBlzTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.862 sec <<< FAILURE! - in de.mmo.arq.model.diverses.stammdaten.geldinstitut.GeldinstitutBlzTest
de.mmo.arq.model.diverses.stammdaten.geldinstitut.GeldinstitutBlzTest  Time elapsed: 4.862 sec  <<< ERROR!
org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.exporter.ArchiveExportException: Failed to write asset to output: /WEB-INF/classes/de/mmo/base/dao/CrudService.class
Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class org.jacoco.core.internal.flow.ClassProbesVisitor has interface org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor as super class

This is the place where the magic should happen


I'm using mvn to build my project with this goals clean package -fae with this profiles jacoco arq-wildfly

The build fails and the jacoco.exec file is created at my target directory.

If I remove the goal prepare-agent in the jacoco profile and run the same mvn command (clean package -fae) with the profiles jacoco arq-wildfly all my tests finish successfull but without creating the jacoco.exec file.

What I'm doing wrong? Does someone have a working example using Arquillian with Drone/Graphene Tests and Jacoco for code coverage?

For additional information about my environment:

  • Wildfly 10
  • Arquillian Core 1.1.11.Final
  • Arquillian Drone 1.3.1.Final
  • Arquillian Graphene 2.1.0.Beta1
  • Arquillian Jacoco 1.0.0.Alpha8
  • Jacoco


  • You have a multiple asm versions on your classpath, jacoco needs the most recent one.

    Use mvn dependency:tree to find the asm versions, I think you have asm:asm and org.ow2.asm:asm-debug-all in your dependencies.

    Exclude the old version (asm:asm) with the following for the dependency which needs asm:


    For drone it would be something like this:
