I'm trying to convert a timestamp (ex: "1493287973015") from a JSON to a Date type.
So far I created this custom decoder:
stringToDate : Decoder String -> Decoder Date
stringToDate decoder =
customDecoder decoder Date.fromTime
But it doesn't work because it has return a Result, not a Date:
Function `customDecoder` is expecting the 2nd argument to be:
Time.Time -> Result String a
But it is:
Time.Time -> Date.Date
Is there a way to do a conversion?
Assuming your JSON is actually placing the numeric value inside quotes (meaning you are parsing the JSON value "1493287973015"
and not 1493287973015
), your decoder could look like this:
import Json.Decode exposing (..)
import Date
import String
stringToDate : Decoder Date.Date
stringToDate =
|> andThen (\val ->
case String.toFloat val of
Err err -> fail err
Ok ms -> succeed <| Date.fromTime ms)
Notice that stringToDate
doesn't get passed any parameters, as opposed to your example in which you were attempting to pass a Decoder String
as a parameter. That's not quite how decoders work.
Instead, this can be done by building upon more primitive decoders, in this case, we start with the decoder string
from Json.Decode
The andThen
portion then takes the string value given by the decoder, and tries to parse it to a float. If it is a valid Float
, it is fed into Date.fromTime
, otherwise, it's a failure.
The fail
and succeed
functions wrap up the normal values you're dealing with into Decoder Date.Date
contexts so they can be returned.