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Limesurvey RC2 API get all the answers for questions

I want to get all the responses for a survey. I found RC2 method 'export_responses' but it only have information about answers those have responses. In my tool I want to display zero responses for answers those are not having responses.

So then I might need to get all the answers for question. I search for document and found "get_question_properties" method. ref

I assume that I can get all the answers for question by setting appropriate value for 'aQuestionSettings' here. Above doc specified 'aQuestionSettings' as an array but I am not sure how to pass an array for that method.

My client program is in c# based on 'Newtonsoft JSON'. So please suggest a better way of getting all the answers for an questions or please help on calling "get_question_properties" method with parameter "aQuestionSettings" with c# or java client.



  • You can pass an array as follows,

    JArray.Parse(@"['gid', 'type', 'answeroptions']")