Below code apply all text in italic, but i want to apply particular words to be italic.
use Win32::OLE;
foreach my $key (keys %main){
my @cnt = @{$main{$key}};
my $count = 1;
foreach my $cnt (@cnt){
$cnt =~ s{\n}{}g;
$sheet -> Range("$key$count") -> {NumberFormat} = "\@";
$sheet->Range("$key$count")->{Value} = "$cnt";
$sheet -> Range("$key$count:${range}1") -> Columns -> {AutoFit} = "True";
$sheet->Range("A1:${range}1")->Font->{Italic} = "True";
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
foreach my $key (keys %main){
my @cnt = @{$main{$key}};
my $count = 1;
foreach my $cnt (@cnt){
$cnt =~ s{\n}{}g;
$cnt = decode_entities($cnt);
$cnt =~ s{&del;}{}igs;
$worksheet->write_string( "$key$count", "$cnt");
$worksheet->set_column( "$key$count", undef);
my $bold = $workbook->add_format( bold => 1 );
my $italic = $workbook->add_format( italic => 1 );
while($cnt =~ m{^(.*)<emphasis role="italic">(.*?)</emphasis>(.*)}igs){
my $f =$1; my $val = $2; my $l = $3;
my $gls1 = $gls;
$gls1 =~ s{\\}{\/}ig;
$val ="<i>$val</i>" if($file =~ m{^\Q$gls1\E$}i);
$worksheet->write_rich_string( "$key$count","$f" ,$italic,$val, "$l");