Search code examples

professor's research student gave JSON data which is not structured correctly as a JSON array of users

Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
at java.util.HashMap$
at DataParse.parseFeed(
at intellidealsbackend.main(

Here is how the JSONObject looks which I am trying to parse:

users: {
276c7438-2b6a-4d92-a5f8-4a9e9007efa8: {
email: "",
username: "power nit"

de977b2f-2243-425c-9dfe-9f1443e41303: {
email: "",
username: "Denver vronkos"
e73cd6c9-9577-4cdc-b8fe-4227ac227c6b: {
email: "",
username: "laveena sharma"
visited: {
2fe51b4a-60b9-42cf-a889-bb607a5ea9bd: {
-KGWYAYM_iW6vi_SGBq3: {
condition: "clear sky",
date: "29 Apr 2016",
degree: "59.90360000000002",
latitude: "33.7932608",
longitude: "-118.1359034",
placeType: "Shopping Mall",
placeVisited: "Los Altos Mall",
time: "03:24",
uid: "3b0b90ce-8d13-4c7b-ab5b-b453aa9fabc5",
username: "kunal bolia"
condition: "clear sky",
date: "29 Apr 2016",
degree: "59.90360000000002",
latitude: "33.79330768",
longitude: "-118.13585834",
placeType: "Shopping Mall",
placeVisited: "Los Altos Mall",
time: "03:25",
uid: "3b0b90ce-8d13-4c7b-ab5b-b453aa9fabc5",
username: "kunal bolia"
68ebe7a6-7344-4d50-b647-16bb830ad413: {
condition: "clear sky",
date: "29 Apr 2016",
degree: "59.90360000000002",
latitude: "33.7932834",
longitude: "-118.135812",
placeType: "Shopping Mall",
placeVisited: "Los Altos Mall",
time: "01:43",
uid: "68ebe7a6-7344-4d50-b647-16bb830ad413",
username: "bat man"
-KGWBIvlt9pUQOrJgK0p: {
condition: "clear sky",
date: "29 Apr 2016",
degree: "59.90360000000002",
latitude: "33.79357387",
longitude: "-118.13580848",
placeType: "Shopping Mall",
placeVisited: "Los Altos Mall",
time: "01:44",
uid: "68ebe7a6-7344-4d50-b647-16bb830ad413",
username: "bat man"
-KGWQi36kjznhtMerapt: {
condition: "clear sky",
date: "29 Apr 2016",
degree: "59.90360000000002",
latitude: "33.7932608",
longitude: "-118.1359034",
placeType: "Shopping Mall",
placeVisited: "Los Altos Mall",
time: "02:52",
uid: "68ebe7a6-7344-4d50-b647-16bb830ad413",
username: "bat man"

This is my implementation of the parser:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class DataParse {

private static List<String> uids;

public static List<DataModal> parseFeed(String content) {
    try {

            List<DataModal> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
            uids = new ArrayList<>();

            //get root node
            JSONObject data = new JSONObject(content);
            if(data.has("users")&& data.has("visited")&& !data.isNull("users")&& !data.isNull("visited")){
                // We get parent nodes
                JSONObject userObj = data.getJSONObject("users");
                JSONObject visitedObj = data.getJSONObject("visited");

                //get map from JSON object for its keys
                JSONToMap jtm = new JSONToMap();
                Map<String,Object> userId =  jtm.jsonToMap(userObj);

                //these are the keys from all the users
                Set<String> userKeys = userId.keySet();


                for(Iterator i = userKeys.iterator();i.hasNext();){

                    //boolean test = visitedObj.isNull(;



                        JSONObject visitedDatauid = visitedObj.getJSONObject(;
                        //get map from JSON object for its keys

                        JSONToMap jtmPushKeys = new JSONToMap();
                        Map<String,Object> pushKeys =  jtmPushKeys.jsonToMap(visitedDatauid);
                        Set<String> pKeys = pushKeys.keySet();
                        //iterate through uid -> unique keys from push in android
                            for(Iterator j = pKeys.iterator();j.hasNext();)

                                //access push key 'j' data for particular uid 'i'
                                if(!(visitedDatauid.isNull( (visitedDatauid.has({

                                    JSONObject visitdata = visitedDatauid.getJSONObject(;

                                    //String uidIter =; 

                                            //JSONObject user = userObj.getJSONObject(;

                                            //Get data from JSONObjects and store in Strings
                                            String uid="",username="",email="",placevisited="",lat="",lon="", condition ="";

                                            //String uid="",username="",email="",placevisited="",lat="",lon="", condition ="";

                                            uid = visitdata.getString("uid");
                                            username = visitdata.getString("username");
                                            //email = user.getString("email");
                                            placevisited = visitdata.getString("placeVisited");
                                            lat = visitdata.getString("latitude");
                                            lon = visitdata.getString("longitude");
                                            condition = visitdata.getString("condition");

                                            //DataModal dm = new DataModal(email,uid,username,lat,lon,placevisited,condition);
                                            DataModal dm = new DataModal(uid,username,lat,lon,placevisited,condition);



                                        System.err.println("Visited key:"" do not exist in Visited");

                                        String uid="",username="",email="",placevisited="",lat="",lon="", condition ="";

                                        //String uid="",username="",email="",placevisited="",lat="",lon="", condition ="";

                                        uid =;
                                        username = "NA";
                                        email = "NA";
                                        placevisited = "NA";
                                        lat = "NA";
                                        lon = "NA";
                                        condition = "NA";

                                        DataModal dm = new DataModal(uid,username,lat,lon,placevisited,condition);



            return dataList;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        return null;



I have been trying to debug it. When the iterator hits a null or a value not present in visited node it throws NoSuchElementException even though I have checking condition in place the code still throws this error.

I have searched through the internet and only checks I found are with json.has(key) and json.isNull(key) which I am already performing.How can I resolve this issue.

Thanks I really appreciate your help.


  • As has been stated, your JSON is invalid. Both sides need to be in quotes and you need to put arrays of information in []:

    For example:

    "users": [{
        "276c7438-2b6a-4d92-a5f8-4a9e9007efa8": {
            "email": "",
            "username": "power nit"
        "de977b2f-2243-425c-9dfe-9f1443e41303": {
            "email": "",
            "username": "Denver vronkos"
        "e73cd6c9-9577-4cdc-b8fe-4227ac227c6b": {
            "email": "",
            "username": "laveena sharma"