I want to create a stacked bar chart and each xaxis should have a stacked bar with a total column bar for comparison.
I have 3 legends on the stacked bar and a total column next to it. is this possible to do?
{"series":{"bars":{"show":true,"fill":1,"align":"center","barWidth":1296000000,"lineWidth":0}},"xaxis":{"mode":"time","autoscaleMargin":null,"tickSize":[1,"month"],"format":"%m %y","ticks":null},"yaxis":{"min":0,"tickDecimals":0,"minTickSize":2},"grid":{"clickable":true,"hoverable":true},"legend":{"noColumns":3,"position":"ne"}}
is this possible to do?
yes, I believe this is possible using jquery.flot.stack.js
See this example on how-to-make-jquery-flot-stacked-chart