Using a fairly standard fork process:
int pipe_to_child[2];
int pipe_from_child[2];
int child_exit_status = -1;
pid_t child_pid = fork();
if (child_pid == 0) {
close(pipe_from_child[0]); // close their read end
close(pipe_to_child[1]); // Close their write end
dup2(pipe_to_child[0], STDIN_FILENO); // Tie the in pipe to stdin
dup2(pipe_from_child[1], STDOUT_FILENO); // Tie stdout to the out pipe
// Run the child process
execve(file_to_run, argv_for_prog, env_for_prog);
else {
close(pipe_from_child[1]); // close their write end
close(pipe_to_child[0]); // Close their read end
if (input_to_prog != NULL) write(pipe_to_child[1], input_to_prog, strlen(input_to_prog)); // Send the stdin stuff
close(pipe_to_child[1]); // Done so send EOF
// Wait for the child to end
waitpid(child_pid, &child_exit_status, 0);
// Do post end-of-child stuff
This generally works as expected.
However, when the child process, a shell script, sets a further process off in the background. Even though the child process then exits (and is no longer listed by ps
), the waitpid doesn't return.
The script is this case is meant to start inadyn-mt (a DDNS updater) running in the background.
inadyn-mt --background
(If I put an & after inadyn-mt it makes no difference)
It turns out that the issue is that the pipes don't get closed. Although the child process exits fine, because it has spawned a further process, this process (even though it doesn't want them) is tied to the pipes to the child's stdin and stdout. The solution I used was to not set up the pipes when I was going to spin off a child from the child.