I must execute rdiff-backup commands in Java. I desesperatly try to execute a backup command from local to remote with Runtime.
I need to use a remote schema because I can't connect to standart port 22.
As same commands work in windows shell, remote commands refuse to work, I've tried something like this :
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = r.exec("C:/rdiff/rdiff-backup.exe "
+"ssh -C -p16000 %s rdiff-backup --server "
+"C:/Users/Utilisateur/Desktop/backup "
getting this error : Fatal Error: Bad commandline options: option -C not recognized
String[] commandLine= {"C:/rdiff/rdiff-backup.exe",
"\"-p 16000 user@xxx.net\"",
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = r.exec(commandLine);
getting this error : Fatal Error: Switches missing or wrong number of arguments
Thanks for your help...
The first method you use is ok in java. But your command line is wrong - ssh -C is not a proper command. Make sure the command works in your shell, then use it in your first method.