I am using Discover the Google Analytics platform to generate queries in order to make callouts to GA from inside a SalesForce application. Upon creating the custom the report an API Query URI is generated which presents the data from the report in a JSON format.
One example uri looks like the following:
https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/data/ga?ids=[my gi id] &start-date=[start date]&end-date=[end date[&metrics=ga%3Asessions%2Cga%3AsessionDuration&dimensions=ga%3AdaysSinceLastSession%2Cga%3Acampaign%2Cga%3AsourceMedium%2Cga%3AsocialNetwork%2Cga%3Adimension2&filters=ga%3AsessionDuration%3E1&access_token=[my access token]
The issue is that the presented data is limited to 1000 rows max, and I am not sure how can I surpass this size view limit.
The google analytics API has a field you can send called max-results if you add
to your request you will get paging of 10000 rows. That is the max you can set it to if there are more results a nextlink will be returned with the results that you can use to make more requests to get the additional data.