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Import dict without name from a module

An Odoo module always has the two files and

          |-- controller
          |-- models
          |-- views

The file contains a dict without assigning it to a name. This dict stores information about the module. It looks like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    'name': "DHL connector",
    # used as subtitle
    'summary': "Configuration for DHL connector ",
    'description': """ DHL connector
    'author': "me",
    'website': "",
    'category': 'Technical Settings',
    # Change the version every release for apps.
    'version': '0.0.1',
    # any module necessary for this one to work correctly
    'depends': [],
    # always loaded
    'data': ['views/dhl.xml', ],
    # only loaded in demonstration mode
    'demo': [],
    # only loaded in test
    'test': [],
    'installable': True,
    'application': True,

How can Odoo or I access this dict from the module? The dict variable is not assigned to a name. How can it be imported?


  • OpenERP doesn't have to import that module to get that dictionary. They could just read the file as text and just evaluate the contents with eval():

    >>> text = '''\
    ... # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    ... {
    ...     'name': "DHL connector",
    ...     # used as subtitle
    ...     'summary': "Configuration for DHL connector ",
    ...     'description': """ DHL connector
    ...     """,
    ...     'author': "me",
    ...     'website': "",
    ...     'category': 'Technical Settings',
    ...     # Change the version every release for apps.
    ...     'version': '0.0.1',
    ...     # any module necessary for this one to work correctly
    ...     'depends': [],
    ...     # always loaded
    ...     'data': ['views/dhl.xml', ],
    ...     # only loaded in demonstration mode
    ...     'demo': [],
    ...     # only loaded in test
    ...     'test': [],
    ...     'installable': True,
    ...     'application': True,
    ... }
    ... '''
    >>> eval(text)
    {'website': '', 'description': ' DHL connector\n    ', 'demo': [], 'depends': [], 'data': ['views/dhl.xml'], 'category': 'Technical Settings', 'name': 'DHL connector', 'author': 'me', 'summary': 'Configuration for DHL connector ', 'application': True, 'version': '0.0.1', 'test': [], 'installable': True}

    And that is exactly what OpenERP does:

    MANIFEST = ''
    # ...
    terp_file = mod_path and opj(mod_path, MANIFEST) or False
    # ...
    f = tools.file_open(terp_file)