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Gulp-angular, Gulp-less and bootstrap

I m working with gulp-angular yeoman generator and I m having some troubles dealing with gulp-less and bootstrap.

Actually, when trying to serve my files, I've got something like :

    Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":1293,"column":2},"source":"C:/Project/angularjs/ucom/remake/bower_components/bootstrap/less/type.less","original":{"line":1,"column":null},"name":null} in file undefined line no. undefined
    lineNumber: undefined
    fileName: undefined

I don't know what's happenning there.


  • Faced the same issue. I was using gulp-sourcemaps while building my css files and looks like this is an issue with one of gulp-sourcemaps dependecies.

    My hunch is convert-source-map.

    In any case, disabling sourcemaps while building my css files did the trick for me.