I've been using Spring Data for saving entities to the mongo DB and my code at the moment looks like this:
I have a repo class:
public interface LogRepo extends MongoRepository<Log, String> {
and I have an Entity Log which looks like this:
collection = "logs"
public class Log {
private String id;
private String jsonMessage;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getJsonMessage() {
return jsonMessage;
public void setJsonMessage(String jsonMessage) {
this.jsonMessage = jsonMessage;
and this work well for me, however this approach works only for the case if I want to save Log entities to "logs" collection. However it would be very nice for me to be able to save Log entity to different collections depending on the context. I mean it would be nice to define collection name in the runtime. Is it possible somehow?
Thanks, cheers
Try to use inheritance and define appropriate collection names in such way. May give you possibility to save in different collections but you will be still not able to specify dynamically collection names and resp. their amount at runtime.