I already know that 'jquery.find' search nested elements from the current selector. However 'jQuery.filter' only goes through already existed data. From my guess filter would be faster but I have seen few performance test that find does better. Don't which way should be better, can anyone please help me out on this?
Let's say I have this plugin: Which way of search through elements would be faster.
$.plugIn = {
$appForm: $("form.app-editing-page"), // means both editing and posting
$appFormEdit: $("form.app-edit"),
$appFormPost: $("form.app-post"),
$allInputs: $("form.app-post input"),
checkPerform: function(){
var visibleInputs = $.plugIn.$appForm.find("input:visible"); // way 1 with find
var visibleInputs2 = $.plugIn.$allInputs.filter(":visible"); // way 2 with filter from cached
In my mind filter should be faster because it looks from only the cached items. But can anyone help out on this , understanding the performance.
Another thing, is it the right way to declare plugins and variables;
$.plugIn = {
$appForm: [], //$("form.app-editing-page"), // means both editing and posting
$appFormEdit: [], //$("form.app-edit"),
$appFormPost: [], //$("form.app-post"),
$allInputs: [], //$("form.app-post input"),
checkPerform: function() {
$.plugIn.$appForm = $(".app-editing-page"); // faster than "form.class"
$.plugIn.$appForm = $(".app-post");
$.plugIn.$allInputs = $.plugIn.$appForm.find("input"); // a lot more faster than complex queries.
var visibleInputs = $.plugIn.$allInputs.filter(":visible"); // faster way