Using navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice()
, I can access bluetooth devices I've already set up a pair with using native OSX bluetooth pairing, but no previously-unpaired devices appear, even when their attributes match my generic query. Available devices show up in a Chrome modal requesting user consent to pair, but the only device that shows up is the one I've already paired with.
Am I misunderstanding the intended use case here, or is there another way to establish a connection with a nearby (previously unpaired) device from Chrome?
Docs: (See Example 2)
function bluetoothConnect() {
navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({filters: [{services: ['generic_access']}]})
.then(device => {console.log(`Connected to: ${}`)})
First, Mac OS X is not yet fully implemented as we speak. Only discovery and GATT server connect/disconnect are working for now. See the Chrome Implementation status at Check out Chrome OS, Linux and Android M (Android Lollipop workaround).
Regarding your specific issue, I believe that generic_access
is not broadcasted by a nearby BLE device but is found because you've already paired (cached) this device. If your device is named "foo" for instance, you can go to and fill "foo" as the Device Name and hit "Get Bluetooth Device Info" button.
I would recommend you give a try to all Web Bluetooth samples at as well.