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Deployed R app with Shiny crash with 'could not find function "httpdPort"'

I have an application built with Shiny (a tutorial, where ui.R and server.R are taken from here: I have these two files in shiny-frontend folder, and if I runApp("shiny-frontend") locally in RStudio - everything works great and I see the tutorial in my browser.

Now I want the same app to be put into Bluemix via cloudfoundry. I'm using this: as a tutorial, but struggling with an error.

I have a start.r file which I run as R -f ./start.r --gui-none --no-save. I'm using buildpack.

My start.r looks like this (taken from the bluemix tutorial with a very minor modifications):


if (Sys.getenv('VCAP_APP_PORT') == "") {
  print("Running Shiny")
} else {
  # In case we're on Cloudfoundry, run this:
  print('running on CF')

  # Starting Rook server during CF startup phase - after 60 seconds start the actual Shiny server
  myPort <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv('VCAP_APP_PORT'))
  myInterface <- Sys.getenv('VCAP_APP_HOST')
  status <- -1

  # R 2.15.1 uses .Internal, but the next release of R will use a .Call.
  # Either way it starts the web server.
  if (as.integer(R.version[["svn rev"]]) > 59600) {
    status <- .Call(tools:::startHTTPD, myInterface, myPort)
  } else {
    status <- .Internal(startHTTPD(myInterface, myPort))

  if (status == 0) {
    unlockBinding("httpdPort", environment(tools:::startDynamicHelp))
    assign("httpdPort", myPort, environment(tools:::startDynamicHelp))

    s <- Rhttpd$new()
    s$listenAddr <- myInterface
    s$listenPort <- myPort


  # run shiny server
  write("prints to stderr", stderr())
  write("prints to stdout", stdout())
  write(port, stdout())

And my init.r, looks like this:

install.packages("shiny", clean=T)
install.packages("Rook", clean=T)

Then when I run, everything is deployed correctly, but then when I try to go by the route, I see an error in the log:

* ERR Calls: <Anonymous> -> startDynamicHelp
* ERR Execution halted
* ERR Error in startDynamicHelp(FALSE) : could not find function "httpdPort"

I also noticed that assigned port is different every time, which is weird and the route in bluemix dashboard does not mention it. But I output the port to the log, and use that number.

Also the way I'm doing it seems a bit too complicated, so if anybody could suggest any easier way, I'd appreciate it


  • it took me a while to understand that this error is thrown by R because it can not find the function (not the value) httpdPort. Instead of binding httpdPort to a function you are binding it to a value. The line s$stop() is the one causing trouble. It calls startDynamicHelp that assumes that httpdPort is a function defined in the environment tools.

    To fix this issue you can change the block if (status == 0){...} in your code to:

    if (status == 0) {
        getSettable <- function(default){
                           function(obj = NA){if(!{default <<- obj};
        myHttpdPort <- getSettable(myPort)
        unlockBinding("httpdPort", environment(tools:::startDynamicHelp))
        assign("httpdPort", myHttpdPort, environment(tools:::startDynamicHelp))
        s <- Rhttpd$new()
        s$listenAddr <- myInterface
        s$listenPort <- myPort