I'm trying to combine my ANSI C code with ASM (TASM to be precise) module.
I decided to choose the classic task - get average of numbers in array, and it is almost working, it compiles and links successfully, but at the end it says that average equals -0 (when it does not).
What did I do wrong? Here's the needed part of my .c code:
#include <stdio.h>
extern float avg(int, float*);
int main()
int n = 2;
float tab[] = {2.0, 3.0};
printf("%.3g\n", avg(n, tab));
return 0;
And .asm procedure:
avg PROC
push BP
mov BP, SP
push bx
mov cx, [bp+4] ; no of elements
mov bx, [bp+8] ; address
fldz ; zero
jcxz avg_end ; if cx==0, end
fadd DWORD PTR [bx]
add bx, 4
loop iter
fidiv DWORD PTR [bp+4] ; sum/n
pop bx
pop BP
avg ENDP
My program has also one more extern function inside and it works well.
The only problem has to be inside avg PROC
code. I'd appreciate your ideas!
I got it. It seems I had two problems there:
First of all - addressing.
register should be filled with [bp+6]
instead of [bp+8]
That's obvious, because my first arg is integer, 2B long, isn't it?
In addition to that, @Sep Roland was right with my fidiv
My value is not even DWORD, it's only WORD and it fixes all my problems.
It works now, thank you all for your time.
I couldn't delete my question, so I'm posting my answer, maybe it'll be useful someday.