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xdotool cannot find Qt application window, where wmctrl can

I want to detect a Qt5 QWidgets application from its window title using xdotool to test the GUI under GNU/Windows with the latest Xubuntu LTS distro.

When I create any minimal Qt application, with wmctrl -l I can detect it, with xdotool it cannot be found, as shown here:

enter image description here

(note that searching for Enter s also fails)

Does anybody have a good experience with using xdotool on Qt QWidget applications, without using tricks like grepping through the wmctrl scripts?

AFAIKS, I am not the only one that has problems with this combination.


  • Sadly, I do not know which update caused this, but one day after the question, suddenly everything works as expected:


    xdotool can detect Qt windows with spaces in its name as expected.