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Java library or text file that maps mime types to nice human friendly file types

GOAL My goal is to find a text file or library that enables me to map when given a mime type input and return a nice human friendly format.

For example given the mime type for Word (as shown below) I would like a result that is something like "Microsoft Office Word Document".


I realise I could compile my own list and use something like a Map (Java) but then it would not be comprehensive etc.

SIMPLISTIC OPTION I know I can examine and return the sub mime type and keep the last component but that is not very sophisticated as per the Word mime type above the result would be a very generic "document". I could expand and take more components but the result is still quite ugly.

KEY/VALUE FILE Another option I have tried to find is a text file with key/value pairs where the key is the mime type in full and the value being the nice human friendly text.

text/plain=Plain Text File
application/octet-stream=Unknown binary file

This seems like a nice option but I have not been able to find a definitive text file with lots of entries. It would also be nice if a source for just the media( i prefer to call it the primary mime type) the "text" in "text/plain" was present so an unknown text mime type such as "text/unknown a.b.c" would return "Unknown text file/format".


  • The following links might save you some time:

    And here are a couple of links that maps mime types and the file extensions: