I'm stuck creating a single page app using react, redux, react-router and react-redux-router bindings.
The route http://localhost:3001/register
is simply not matched by the router and Cannot GET /register
is returned to the browser because the server obviously doesn't know the route. I'm relatively new to the react-redux stack and may be missing something pretty basic.
Edit: The IndexRoute is working and is displaying the Home-Component inside the App-Compontent.
Edit2: I'm not using server side rendering and am developing using the webpack-dev-server.
But here are the related code-snippets so far:
const store = createStore(
reducer, //from reducers.js
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store);
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history} routes={routes} /> //routes from routes.js
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
routing: routerReducer //provided by react-router-redux
export default rootReducer;
const routes = (
<Route path='/' component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route name='register' path='register' component={RegisterForm} />
export default routes;
Navigation.jsx (rendered inside App.jsx)
import React from 'react';
import {Link} from 'react-router';
export default class Navigation extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-layout--fixed-header">
<header className="mdl-layout__header">
<div className="mdl-layout__header-row">
<span className="mdl-layout-title">there!</span>
<div className="mdl-layout-spacer"></div>
<nav className="mdl-navigation mdl-layout--large-screen-only">
<Link className="mdl-navigation__link" to="/">Home</Link>
<Link className="mdl-navigation__link" to="register">Register</Link>
<div className="mdl-layout__drawer">
<span className="mdl-layout-title">there!</span>
<nav className="mdl-navigation">
<Link className="mdl-navigation__link" to="/">Home</Link>
<Link className="mdl-navigation__link" to="register">Register</Link>
<main className="mdl-layout__content">
<div className="page-content">
Maybe it is obvious to someone, what I am missing here. If you need more of the code please let me know.
As you say, the problem is that your backend does not know how to handle requests to /register
. The solution is to tell your backend to return the react application (same as requests to /
) on such requests.
If you are developing with pure webpack-dev-server I'm not 100% sure what's the best way to do this, but you can take a look at the answer here which will probably work: Stating directive templateUrl relative to root