I am trying to send image via TcpClient and BufferedStream. The problem is that i cant send the data without disconnecting the TcpClient.
Send data:
while ((bytesread = bufferedinput.Read(buffer, 0, sizeBuffer)) > 0)
//Sending data
bufferedoutput.Write(buffer, 0, bytesread);
Receive data:
while ((bytesread = bufferedinput.Read(buffer, 0, buffsize)) > 0)
bufferedoutput.Write(buffer, 0, bytesread);
where :
NetworkStream serverStream = client.GetStream();
and BufferedStream bufferedoutput = new BufferedStream(serverStream);
The problem is that i must cast bufferedoutput.Close();
in the client side to get the data received by the server, but this disconnects my client, which is a problem. Any suggestions?
It is evident that by closing NetworkStream object associated with a TcpClient object, disconnects the client. Since TCP is a stream based protocol, you can do only one of two thing, either 1.] use networkstream.readtimeout to disconnect if no data is available till the readtimeout, OR 2.] devise a protocol to tell the receiver about the length of data, sender is willing to send, and read only that length of bytes.