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Passing f:atrribute to a nested composition component

I have two nested composite components such as:


And I need to pass a f:attribute to my:input in order to get it back in its validator:

        <f:attribute name="attr" value="any value"/>

But when I try to retrieve the attribute value in validator from component.getAttributes() it doesn't exist.

My components are defined basically this way:

    <my:input name="input1"/>
    <my:input name="input2">
        <f:attribute name="input1Value" value="#{cc.attrs.input1Value}"/>
        <f:validator validatorId="myInputValidator" for="inputText"/>      

Any help will be appreciated.


  • I realized that's not possible. cc:insertChildren does not render f:attribute. If you want to pass a f:attribute from one component to another, you must define cc:attribute in cc:interface.


            <f:attribute name="myAttr" value="The attribute value"/>


        <cc:attribute name="myAttr"/>
        <my:input name="input1"/>
        <my:input name="input2">
            <f:attribute name="input1Value" value="#{cc.attrs.myAttr}"/>
            <f:validator validatorId="myInputValidator" for="inputText"/>      