For those that have begun playing around with zend expressive, does it require knowledge of zend framework 2? meaning do I have to learn/know zf2 in order to use Expressive? or did they make enough changes where learning zf2 would be pointless/confusing?
along those same lines, other than the page, can anyone recommend some good tutorials/walk-throughs to get started ?
I would say that the knowledge of Zend Framework 2 is not required to work with Zend Expressive. Certainly, the two share some components (Zend.Mvc for the routing and Zend.ServiceManager for DI, if you choose them in Expressive) and the logic of some things is similar, so a knowledge of ZF2 would not go wasted. But if you don't know it, you don't need to learn it before starting to use Expressive.
Regarding some useful resources on Expressive, here are some: