I have an exclusive gateway in Activiti, how I can set the condition variable in Java code for exclusive gateway?
variableData.put("condition", conditionVar);
taskService.complete(task.getId(), variableData);
How I can extract task variable on gateway flow? Is it possible or I have to use process variable?
When you design your workflow with conditional exclusive gateway then it will generate XML like below,
<exclusiveGateway id="exclusiveGw" name="Exclusive Gateway" />
<sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="exclusiveGw" targetRef="theTask1">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">${input == 1}</conditionExpression>
so you need to provide a value of 'input'
variable as
variableData.put("input", 1);
If your task is ServiceTask
then you can do like below
For more help http://www.activiti.org/userguide/#bpmnExclusiveGateway