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Matching on unary data constructors in Ltac

I am doing some exercises about formalizing simply-typed lambda calculus in Coq and would like to automate my proofs using Ltac. While proving progress theorem:

Theorem progress : forall t T,
   empty |-- t \in T -> value t \/ exists t', t ==> t'.

I came up with this piece of Ltac code:

Ltac progress_when_stepping :=
  (* right, because progress statement places stepping on the right of \/ *)
  (* use induction hypotheses *)
    match goal with
    | [ H : _ -> value _ \/ exists _, ?t1 ==> _ |- exists _, ?C ?t1 _ ==> _ ] =>
      induction H; auto
    | [ H : _ -> value _ \/ exists _, ?t2 ==> _, H0 : value ?t1 |-
        exists _, ?C ?t1 ?t2 ==> _ ] =>
      induction H; auto
    | [ H : _ -> value _ \/ exists _, ?t1 ==> _ |- exists _, ?C ?t1 ==> _ ] =>
      induction H; auto

==> denotes a single step of evaluation (via small-step semantics). The intention for each of the match cases is:

  1. Match any binary constructor when we have a hypothesis which says that the first term in the constructor steps.
  2. Match any binary constructor when we have a hypothesis which says that the second term in the constructor steps and first term in the constructor is already a value
  3. Match any unary constructor when we have a hypothesis which says that the term in the constructor steps.

However, looking at the behaviour of this code it looks that the third case also matches binary constructors. How do I restrict it to actually match unary constructors only?


  • The problem is that ?C matches a term of the form ?C0 ?t0. You can do some secondary matching to rule out this case.

    match goal with
    | [ H : _ -> value _ \/ exists _, ?t1 ==> _ |- exists _, ?C ?t1 ==> _ ] =>
      match C with
        | ?C0 ?t0 => fail
        | _ => induction H; auto