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How can I insert the contents of a file in my index.html with gulp-inject?

Here's what I have tried so far:

gulp.task('watch-index-html', function () {, function (file) {
        return gulp.src('index/index.html')
            .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['index/base3.html']), {
                starttag: '<!-- inject:base3:html -->'
            .pipe(print(function (file) {
                return "Processing " + file;

Here's what happened:


    <!-- inject:base3:html -->
    <!-- endinject -->


<!-- inject:base3:html -->
<link rel="import" href="/index/base3.html">
<!-- endinject -->

What I expected to see was the actual contents of the file, not the line:

<link rel="import" href="/index/base3.html">

Can anyone tell me if I can do this "inserting contents of a file" with gulp-inject or if there's something else I should use. Note in the past I tried using gulp-mustache but I had problems where it seemed to insert the character (65279). I assume this was something related to the following question, but I was never able to get mustache to work for me:

How to avoid echoing character 65279 in php? (This question also relates to Javascript xmlhttp.responseText (ajax))

I hope someone can give me some advice either with gulp-inject or with gulp-mustache or any other way to insert the contents of a file in another file.


  • Use a custom transform function to inject the contents of the file:

    gulp.task('watch-index-html', function () {, function (file) {
        return gulp.src('index/index.html')
          .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['index/base3.html']), {
             starttag: '<!-- inject:base3:html -->',
             transform: function(filepath, file) {
               return file.contents.toString();
          .pipe(print(function (file) {
            return "Processing " + file;