I'm working on a project where the idea is to estimate a price and send all via e-mail so that the person can then be contacted.
I have created an applet that works exactly how I want it to. It gets the required information and sends it via e-mail. The problem is that when I start the application in a browser the e-mail never gets sent.
I cannot seem to get my head around what I am missing. I have the .java file and the .class file, I also have a simple .html file to start the code in the web page
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<applet code=priceCalculator.Calculator1.class archive="javax.mail-1.5.5.jar" width="450" height="400" >
What else am I missing? Do I need another file, or am I missing code from the html file?
here is the program, i cant seem to get it onto here, so i had to upload it through dropbox : https://www.dropbox.com/s/30uvgvzm9hlhsgi/WEBCALC.txt?dl=0 if it isnt possible to do it this way, what would be the best way to go??
Turns out everybody was correct, newbie stubborness wasted lots of hours of my time!! Advice to newbies, listen to the experts!!