Please bear with me, this is not (quite!) a duplicate of any of these SO answers:
When trying to "influence" what overload the compiler will choose given conflicts arising from optional parameters, answers in the above posts reference the C# Programming Guide, which indicates the overload resolution (OR) heuristics at play here:
If two candidates are judged to be equally good, preference goes to a candidate that does not have optional parameters for which arguments were omitted in the call.
Fair enough. My question is, why doesn't (or why can't) the Obsolete attribute (or some other markup) influence the OR decision on judging two candidates to be equally good? For example, consider the following overloads:
[Obsolete(“This method is deprecated.”)]
bool foo() { return true; }
bool foo(bool optional = false) { return optional; }
It seems OR should not judge these overloads to be equally good--the non-deprecated overload with an optional parameter should win. If this were the case in this over-simplified example, code previously compiled for foo() would be backwards compatible and happily continue to return true. Future code compiled for this library could also call foo(), but that resolved overload would return false.
Is this a valuable/possible feature we are missing from the language? Or is there any other way to make this wish of mine work? Thanks for any insights,
It's an interesting question. Still, I prefer it the way it is for the following reasons:
OR depends on method signature compiled to module and it is intuitive at that. Depending on any attributes would change the dependency scope to a wider "thing" and start snowballing - should you consider maybe another attribute? Or attributes on arguments, etc..
Change management
Method signatures & OR are different concern than the deprecation marker attribute. The latter is metadata and if it started to affect OR from one point on, then it would possibly break many existing applications. Especially libraries where deprecation cycle is longer for a reason.
I would be very annoyed if a functionally tested code started to behave different after a soft decision that a certain part of code will be phased out in "undetermined future".