I'm currently playing around with some 3D software rendering I implemented with lua and love2d. Someone in the forums showed me this link to learn even more : C++ Software Renderer
This is a tutorial for a software renderer written in C++ where no additional libraries are used. So I thought this would be a good start.
However I'm kinda new to C++ though I have experience with C, Objective-C, Swift, Java and Lua.
To start I loaded 3 files into an Command Line C++ Xcode project.
When I build run the application I'm supposed to get an .tga file which is located in User/Libraries/Developer/Xcode/projectname/Build/Products/Debug/output.tga I could change the path to my working directory located in User/Developer/Xcode Projects/tinyRenderer/ or I could do it in code. However that is exactly I don't know how to do.
In main.cpp:
is called.
In tgaimage.h:
bool write_tga_file(const char *filename, bool rle=true);
And the implementation file:
bool TGAImage::write_tga_file(const char *filename, bool rle) {
unsigned char developer_area_ref[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned char extension_area_ref[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned char footer[18] = {'T','R','U','E','V','I','S','I','O','N','-','X','F','I','L','E','.','\0'};
std::ofstream out;
out.open (filename, std::ios::binary);
if (!out.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "can't open file " << filename << "\n";
return false;
TGA_Header header;
memset((void *)&header, 0, sizeof(header));
header.bitsperpixel = bytespp<<3;
header.width = width;
header.height = height;
header.datatypecode = (bytespp==GRAYSCALE?(rle?11:3):(rle?10:2));
header.imagedescriptor = 0x20; // top-left origin
out.write((char *)&header, sizeof(header));
if (!out.good()) {
std::cerr << "can't dump the tga file\n";
return false;
if (!rle) {
out.write((char *)data, width*height*bytespp);
if (!out.good()) {
std::cerr << "can't unload raw data\n";
return false;
} else {
if (!unload_rle_data(out)) {
std::cerr << "can't unload rle data\n";
return false;
out.write((char *)developer_area_ref, sizeof(developer_area_ref));
if (!out.good()) {
std::cerr << "can't dump the tga file\n";
return false;
out.write((char *)extension_area_ref, sizeof(extension_area_ref));
if (!out.good()) {
std::cerr << "can't dump the tga file\n";
return false;
out.write((char *)footer, sizeof(footer));
if (!out.good()) {
std::cerr << "can't dump the tga file\n";
return false;
return true;
How do I make it save the file at a distinct path?
You can create a file at a given path via:
const char* out_file_path = "C:/User/Name/Documents/filename.txt";
std::ofstream out_file(out_file_path);
This creates a file (on Windows) called filename.txt
in the path User/Name/Documents
. Of course, this will work for any path you give, so just give the necessary path-name in the const char*
parameter and you're set.