I have seen several questions about doing a custom tooltip for a single line series.
I need a custom tool-tip for each data-point. I would like to add more to the tool-tip than just the dependent value path and the independent value path.
Example I have 2 data points on the same line one with a value(Y-axis) of 2, date(x-axis) of 4/28/2016, and configuration of A. The other has a value of 3, date of 4/29/2016, and configuration of B.
How would I also show the configurations? This is all done in code behind because I have a dynamic number of lineseries. So I can't just assign a style to each lineseries in the xaml.
var MyLineSeries = new LineSeries();
lMyLineSeries.DependentValuePath = "Y";
lMyLineSeries.IndependentValuePath = "X";
lMyLineSeries.DataPointStyle = lToolTipDataPointStyle;
This is my code for creating the tool tip style.
var lToolTipDataPointStyle = new Style(typeof(LineDataPoint));
var lTemplate = new ControlTemplate(typeof(LineDataPoint));
var lGridElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Border));
var lStackPanel = new StackPanel();
var lValueContentControl = new ContentControl();
lValueContentControl.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding(myLineSeries.DependentValuePath));
lValueContentControl.ContentStringFormat = "Value: {0}";
var lConfigurationContentControl = new ContentControl();
lConfigurationContentControl.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding())//This is what Idk what to bind to???
lConfigurationContentControl.ContentStringFormat = "Configuration: {0}";
lGridElement.SetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, lStackPanel);
var lEllipseElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Ellipse));
lEllipseElement.SetValue(Ellipse.StrokeThicknessProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(Border.BorderThicknessProperty));
lEllipseElement.SetValue(Ellipse.StrokeProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(Border.BorderBrushProperty));
lEllipseElement.SetValue(Ellipse.FillProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(Grid.BackgroundProperty));
lTemplate.VisualTree = lGridElement;
var lTemplateSetter = new Setter();
lTemplateSetter.Property = LineDataPoint.TemplateProperty;
lTemplateSetter.Value = lTemplate;
return lToolTipDataPointStyle;
I figured it out by using the Tag on the Line series.
myLineSeries.Tag = "Configuration";
var lConfigurationContentControl = new ContentControl();
lConfigurationContentControl.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding(myLineSeries.Tag.ToString()))
lConfigurationContentControl.ContentStringFormat = "Configuration: {0}";