I'm trying to access a variable from a separate class, and I am getting an error.
if (bSprinting){
UPlayerPawnMovementComponent::movementSpeedMultiplier = 500.0f;
where the error comes from the movementSpeedMultiplier which when I hover over says: a non static reference must be relative to a specific object.
the variable in question is this one here:
virtual void TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override;
float movementSpeedMultiplier = 150.0f;
I know this doesn't work, I'm just totally stumped at how to make the variable editable in both classes.
Thanks in advance
Learn about static members.
A skimmed down version of your problem might look like this:
struct A{
float movementSpeedMultiplier;
int main(){
//error: invalid use of non-static data member ‘A::movementSpeedMultiplier’
A::movementSpeedMultiplier = 500.0f;
Setting the data member to static, will allow you to access the member without an instantiation.
struct A{
static float movementSpeedMultiplier;
float A::movementSpeedMultiplier;
int main(){
A::movementSpeedMultiplier = 500.0f;