I am able to connect to a VPN from terminal easily with the following openVPN command:
openvpn --config conf.ovpn
I need connect to the same VPN with Javascript (for selenium test), I already have installed openvpn.client with NPM:
npm install openvpn-client
However, I don't know how it works. I would like how to achieve a terminal application with similar functionalities of openvpn.
Documentation and source code
Solved, more or less...
After install openvpn in the system just add bit s to the openvpn bin (sudo chmod +s /usr/sbin/openvpn), then you can connect openvpn with this:
var exec = require("child_process").exec;
cmd = `openvpn --config ${conf.ovpn}&`;
Just that. Maybe isn't the most secure solution, but it works for my purpose.