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How to get systemjs to load module from CDN that is in global format?

The error that I am getting is: EXCEPTION: ReferenceError: cast is not defined in [null]

Writing a custom Chromecast receiver application requires the use of the following js file that exposes the functionality via a global 'cast' variable:


I want to load this script as a module using systemjs instead of having a script tag in index.html.

This is an Angular2 and TypeScript application so in some service, MyService, I want to be able to import 'cast' and use it.


        packages: {
          app: {
            format: 'register',
            defaultExtension: 'js'
        paths: {
          'cast': '//'
        meta: {
          '//': {format: 'global'}

            .then(null, console.error.bind(console));


import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import cast from 'cast';

export class MyService {
  public init = () => {

A sample Angular2 + TypeScript + Chromecast Receiver application can be cloned from:

This code doesn't currently have any code to load 'cast' using systemjs but could be quickly modified by updating index.html and cast-receiver-manager.service.ts


  • Try adding

       map: {
         cast-receiver: '//'

    to your system config then declaring the thing you would like to import from the script in your service via,

    declare var cast;

    this will allow your compiler to recognize the name of the thing you are importing.